P-05-1093 Establish a Wales wide Environmental and Wildlife Enforcement Service to tackle environmental crime


This petition was submitted by Robert Curtis having collected a total of 207 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Following the appalling scenes of littering, fly tipping and wildlife crime during and following the easing of the Covid-19 lockdown, we call on the Welsh Government to create a Wales wide Environmental and Wildlife Enforcement Agency whose aim would be to tackle environmental crimes such as littering, dog fouling, fly-tipping and the illegal poisoning and shooting of wildlife.


These officers need to be funded and accountable to the public sector via a tax on single use plastics and fines.


Additional Information:

This petition for action has been jointly launched by Barry Action for Nature and Friends of Barry Beaches, who are two Barry based voluntary environmental groups, whose aims are to create a safer environment for both people and wildlife.

They strongly believe that education must be behind the main thrust to tackle the growing menace of environmental and wildlife crime but also realise that some form of enforcement is urgently needed.

We cannot rely on individual cash strapped local authorities to deliver this vital service by themselves. This force needs to be consistent throughout Wales and would demonstrate the growing public concern about environmental and wildlife crime.

We should not have to rely on private companies to provide this service whose core objective is profit.

Fixed penalties or stronger sanction can provide effective enforcement against this growing problem and act as a deterrent. We believe that the Welsh population would welcome strong and effective enforcement.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Vale of Glamorgan

·         South Wales Central